Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I just got an email from Hani, at Craftionary
Her post today is all about
My grosgrain ribbon flower tutorial is being featured
I'm super excited!
You need to check out this post
She has collected so many unique flower tutorials
I was seriously drooling looking at them

There is a fleece flower pillow that I need to make
Like NOW!

Here is the link and don't forget to let her know I said to stop by!

This weeks Slipcover Wednesday post is coming ...
just alittle late
I'm still on vacation time

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Toddler Tuesday's #12

I am sorry for my lack of posting this last week.
My Birthday was Wednesday
My husband and I took the week off from work to have a
We sent the kids to camp and daycare and made daytrips allover
WE lied to our kids; they thought we were at work
I thought I would post
But each day came and went...
Sorry for neglecting the blog
I needed the rest and the one on one time with my hubby
If you and your spouse need time to reconnect
I so recommend trying this
It was the most relaxing vacation I have ever taken!
Not to mention the cheapest ... lol!

Well enough said it's time to start the linky party!
I can't wait to see what you all have been up to this week

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Toddler Tuesday's #11

It's that time of the week again!
Link your your toddler/child related project up.
Don't forget to grab a button so others can join in the fun!
I'm so excited to see what everyone has been working on this week!

Monday, July 18, 2011

I just learned that my PB Kids knock off 
Grocery Store is going to be featured tomorrow 8pm at
Knock off Decor
I am so excited to be featured!
Please stop by and check out my project.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Someday Crafts

Hi guys
Today I will be Guest Blogging over at Someday Crafts
While Michelle is spending some time with her new little man.
Hope you'll stop by and see what I have come up with.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Slipcover Craziness Week #4

I am taking a short break from working on the chair.
Not by choice, I was a bit forced into the situation.
See my machine BROKE ... BIG TIME BREAK
Last week.
I'm talking needle bending kinda breakage.
I'm so bummed my machine no can longer sew a seam :(
I did score a back up machine, but it's not the same.
So while I wait for my baby to get back from the repair shop
Here is a little inspiration

I don't know about you but I am dying to get back to slippin'
Now if I only had my machine :(

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Toddler Tuesday's #10

It's that time of the week again!
Link your your toddler/child related project up.
Don't forget to grab a button so others can join in the fun!
I'm so excited to see what everyone has been working on this week!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Handmade Gift Exchange Arrived!

Well a big box arrived from her yesterday!

I was so excited to open it up.
I felt so blessed when I saw all the goodies she had tucked inside for me.

There was even a gift for the Bean!

Ashley was so generous!  I really enjoyed doing this swap 
and look forward to participating again in November!

I made a great new bloggy friend who I hope will make more guest appearances on my blog.

Do you think we can talk her into posting a tutorial 
on how she made my super cute necklace?

What do you think ...

Check out Ashley's Etsy shoppe for more great accessories

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Slip Cover Craziness Week #3

How to Make Cording

Okay now that you have your back all pieced together 
We are ready to start with the cording!
When slipping a piece of furniture you have a few options:
1. Finish your piece with out cording

2. Using the same fabric to cover the chair/sofa to make your cording

3. Use a contrasting fabric to make the cording

For this project I am going to use a contrasting cording.
I love to use a contrasting cording when the piece has really unique lines.
The contrast cording will help play up the shape of the chair.

Cording is created by cutting long strips of fabric on the bias.
Bias is anything cut  t a 45degree angle 
Most sewing rulers have line on them showing the correct angle for bias.
I have seen people fold their fabric all sorts of origami"ish" to get their bias strips 
out of fat quarters.  I seriously am challenged that way and can't seem to figure out 
how they fold their fabric to get the correct cut.
For this reason the way I am showing you is a bit antiquated, but hey it works :)
First I clear a large space on my floor so I can spread out my fabric.
Then using my ruler I lay the 45 line along my selvage
I use fabric chalk, a pencil or even a sharpie marker
to draw my line.  
I slide the ruler up the line I just created and draw.
Keep doing this until your line extends from one selvage side to the other.
I then use my marker to trace another line 1 3/4" below the line I just drew.
Do this repeatedly to create multiple 1 3/4" wide strips to be used for your bias cording.
Many people think you can create cording on the straight grain 
but from my experience it never lays as nice as cording cut on the bias.
Cording comes in various sizes.
Choose the thickness that you feel will most complement your piece.
A thin delicate cording creates a more formal look while 
a heavy one will give your piece a more casual feel.
I personally love the twisted cord in size 3/16"

Now that you have all your strips cut and have chosen your cording size 
we are ready to head over to your machine and sew :)

Join your strips as shown above with 1/4" seam allowence.
You will want to set your the stitch length on your machine slightly smaller than normal.
This will help strengthen your seams.
Set your machine to a basting stitch,
put on your zipper foot attachment and we are ready to go...
Position the needle so that it creates a stitch line next to your cording.
At this point you do not need to sew right up against the cording just close 
enough to secure the fabric around it.
Next week we will create a front panel and attach it to our back panel with the cording we just made.
If you missed last week here is the link

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Toddler Tuesday #9

It's that time of the week again!
Link your your toddler/child related project up.
Don't forget to grab a button so others can join in the fun!
I'm so excited to see what everyone has been working on this week!

Don't forget to stop by tommorrow for
week 3 of slipcover craziness!


Happy 4th of July ...

Our family had a great time watching all the parades and fireworks yesterday!
Hope you had a great day with your family!