It's Time For A Little Spring Cleaning

Saturday, April 2, 2011

I am in the middle of clearing out my kids' closets and making room for their spring clothes.  You know this involves trying on stuff from last spring/summer to see if anything still fits.  While doing this I discovered my son had a huge growth spurt and nothing from last year remotely fits.  I was so sad because he had several button down shirts that were worn once, maybe twice.  I didn't want to throw them out as they were like brand new and I really didn't want to give them away either.  This lead me to the following thought, "What crafty thing can I make from them?" 
I wonder if the Bean can wear them?
Aughh way to big ... then I realized I could make it into a dress! 

First I traced out the outline for the bodice while the shirt was on my daughter.  As you can see below I created a halter style dress.  Also if you look closely you can see the big black dot that was created when Bean wanted to draw on the shirt just like Mommy did!  Mental note next time use one of those washable fabric markers versus a permanent sharpie marker ... Eeeek!!  
I cut along the lines I had just drawn and below the collar stand.  Across the back I cut about an 1 1/4" above where I had determined her waistline to be; at this point I cut off the bottom of the front "skirt" section.  I turned under the edge along the front bodice and hem to clean finish the top.  To finish the back I created a 1" casing which I later inserted elastic to help keep the back snug.  I gathered the top of the front skirt and then set that section to the front bodice.  I felt like it still needed something to make it a bit more girly so I added a green satin ribbon at the waist to finish it off.
I am so happy with how this turned out.  Now if only Mother Nature would cooperate long enough for me to let her wear her new dress; after all it did snow in PA on April 1st!
This post was shared at the following linky parties;
                                       Made By You Monday             733blog Sugar and Spice
                                             The Girl Creative                  The Trendy Tree House


Felt Food Kids said...

This is absolutely adorable! I love it!

michele said...

that is ADORABLE! love the halter style and the ribbon tie. i wonder if an XL men's shirt would make one long enough for my 7-year-old? hmmmm, next time i'm at the thrift store i'll have to check it out! thanks for the inspiration!

Unknown said...

Thanks! Michele I used a size 5t shirt to fit my daughter who wears a 3t. I think if you used a boy's shirt size 10/12 you would be in good shape. She could wear a pair of leggings under it if needed. I personally think a pair of capri's would be cute too.

Jamie said...

Very cute, I will have to try this next time I come across a suitable button down!

Kristen said...

That is SO cute! You are very creative.

Jenny Hall / Seamingly Smitten said...

This is precious!!! I love that you kept the collar, too. I might have to try this!

Marilyn Hanson said...

This is such a creative idea!

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