Lessons from Dad

Thursday, June 9, 2011

When I was taking photo's for this post I kept thinking about how the fact that my husband is an engineer really compliments my crafting OCD.  For starters the man graphed out our sons room to figure out how to best lay our new flooring while creating as little waste as possible. I regret not taking a pic of his sketch ... I think it would have helped my case; when I tell him how neurotic he is...lol!  But I did take a photo of the flooring he has installed.  If you look closely you will see how the man has perfectly lined up every other row to create a pattern.  Who does this .....
This morning when i looked at the photos again I saw a father teaching his son how to be "handy". 
 I saw a man who takes pride in what he does and is trying to instill those values in our children.
I saw a man who after a long day at work comes home
makes us dinner
 and then finds time work on the house.
When I looked at these photos again I saw a man who
loves his family
enjoys teaching his son new things

I see a man who is creating memories with our son.

Our son is so excited!
All he keeps talking about is how great his room is
and that it is the "Best Room In The House."
I can't help but smile when Noah talks with excitment about his new room.
This new room would not be possible with out his Dad!

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